Category - Safety

Rocklin High School student Brandon Gillespie organized the walkout.

#LIFE National School Walkout

Pro-life groups are supporting a school walkout to protest abortion after last week’s anti-gun school walkout. The school walkout will be for 17 minutes on April 11 at 10 a.m. in all...

The study confirmed the finding that telemedicine abortions have “four times more risk of complications.”

Abortion Via Webcam is Coming?

Planned Parenthood Will Launch 10 New Video Chat (Telemedicine) Abortion Locations in 2018. Full Article Telemedicine medical abortion has become appealing to Planned Parenthood because it...

The 1965 Charlie Brown Christmas

Watch 1965’s ‘A Charlie Brown...

That’s when network TV accurately reported Christmas. Watch Charlie Brown explain Jesus’ birth from 1965’s ‘A Charlie Brown Christmas’ Peanuts creator...

Peace will continue to be a priority.

Pope says Stop Killing in the Name of God!

“I appeal to all religious authorities to join in reaffirming unequivocally that one can never kill in God’s name,” the pontiff said. Full Article Pope Francis signaled the press for...

compassion and choices to suicide nation

Having Control at the End of My Life

The old Hemlock Society USA renamed “Compassion and Choices” has gained surprising vigor with recent approval of assisted suicide in California, Colorado, and District of...