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Organ Harvesting the Unborn

The latest video from the Center for Medical Progress once again lays bare the inhumanity of abortion and Planned Parenthood’s disregard for the law

The latest video from the Center for Medical Progress once again lays bare the inhumanity of abortion and Planned Parenthood’s disregard for the law.

Thank you so much for speaking for the voiceless! Planned Parenthood will be defunded…. It’s just a matter of time! Cate Dyer is an evil, disgusting excuse for a woman and seeing only women in these videos makes my blood boil! We are supposed to be the mothers & the compassionate ones!  …… MORE

Watch the summary videos of specific undercover meetings from CMP’s Human Capital project documenting Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby body parts. Full footage for each encounter is also available.

Can We Know When Life Begins?

Life. It is everywhere we look. Life ignites all of our actions. It is both fleeting and enduring. Boundless, and transient. The human species seems insignificant beside the power of nature, and the breadth of the life by which we are surrounded.

And yet, we have dominion over it all. It has been said that life is one of the most basic human rights.

But when does life begin? The view that we can’t know when life begins is common among those who support legal abortion.
And because we can’t know, they say, this means pro-lifers shouldn’t impose their “religious belief” that life begins at conception on others by outlawing abortion.

But the claim that a human being’s life begins at conception isn’t religious dogma. It’s actually a scientific fact. We can know three things about the unborn that tell us when human life begins. We know the unborn are alive, they are human, and they are whole organisms.

First, The unborn take in nutrients and grow via cellular reproduction. Second, The unborn are offspring of human parents, and have human DNA.

And Finally, The unborn are human organisms like you or me whereas sperm, egg, and body cells are merely human tissue and do not have any rights.

Patron Saint of Pro-Life Movement, St. Maximilian Kolbe

Where does our broken world need Jesus and Mary the most? The answer is in the abortion industry.

Like pro-lifers today, St. Maximilian Kolbe fought the culture of death. Culture of Life His heroism went echoing through the concentration camp of Auschwitz. This fragile, tubercular priest, (number 16670) by all accounts, went out of his way to be kind to all. Receiving only starvation rations, he gave his food away to others. He counseled fellow

Where does our broken world need Jesus and Mary the most? The answer is in the abortion industry.

He was a true “apostle of the mass media.” To better “win the world for the Immaculata,” the friars utilized the most modern printing and administrative techniques.

prisoners. He showed no hostility to Nazi guards. For all this, he was singled out for beatings and cruel tortures. A man of peace, deprived of all power, he still had the power of truth. Nazis were so intimidated by him they ordered him not to look at them. They could not endure the power of his eyes.

He used every available modern technology to further the gospel and devotion to Our Lady. He was a true “apostle of the mass media.

A Man for Others: Maximilian Kolbe, Saint of Auschwitz, In the Words of Those Who Knew Him by Patricia Treece Hardcover.

Franciszek Gajowniczek lived to the ripe old age of 93 thanks to the self-sacrifice of a Polish Franciscan priest in Auschwitz in July 1941. ‘Kolbe’s body was burned in a crematorium that is still standing today,’ Gajowniczek said. ‘He was burned and the wind carried his ashes to the four corners of the world, just like all the other millions of prisoners.’ ‘He was always beaten because when the SS men would ask him to identify himself he would always respond: ‘I am a Catholic priest.” Gajowniczek devoted much of the rest of his life to promoting knowledge of the Franciscan, giving talks about the saint in various countries. His mission to “repay a debt”, as he put it, was rewarded in 1971, when Kolbe was beatified

August 14th Feast Day for St. Maximilian Kolbe, Patron Saint of the Pro-Life Movement

Telling a Child They’re Transgender is ‘Child Abuse’

Pediatrician Issues Finding That Transgenderism Is Child-Abuse

Chemical castration, which is what you’re doing when you put any biologically normal child on puberty blockers, is treating puberty like a disease, arresting a normal process which is critical to normal development and bad for kids. Video

Pediatrician Issues Finding That Transgenderism Is Child-Abuse

Indoctrinating pre-school kids with the lie that you can be trapped in the wrong body, again, that’s disrupting their normal reality testing and cognitive development.

Sterilization? Not good for kids. Prepping them for what will likely result, in the case of girls, double mastectomy at 16 — not how you treat depression or anxiety, and I have plenty of experience treating teenagers with depression, anxiety, even suicidal depression.

Indoctrinating preschool kids with the lie that you can be trapped in the wrong body, again, that’s disrupting their normal reality testing and cognitive development. Those things are abusive.

American College of Pediatricians President Michelle Cretella said “indoctrinating preschool kids with the lie that you can be trapped in the wrong body” constitutes abuse.

That’s the problem with the transgender agenda — so much of it is based on political correctness. As for the evidence, there’s a paucity of it. But point that out, and liberals start screaming bloody murder.

National Pro-Life Generation Sidewalk Day

Abortion victimizes all those involved—moms, dads, workers, and babies.

On August 3rd, Students for Life of America is organizing their annual National Pro-Life Generation Sidewalk Day. We are calling on the Pro-Life Generation to be on the front lines reaching out to women and saving lives.

Sidewalk Counseling is such an important and practical way to affirm life in your community. Many people sidewalk counsel regularly, but this is a unique opportunity to

Abortion victimizes all those involved—moms, dads, workers, and babies.

The young women (and men) who are entering abortion facilities need to see someone on the sidewalk they can relate to.

come together with students and community members across the nation all on the same day. It’s amazing to know you’re participating in something so important in solidarity with the entire Pro-Life Gen across the country.

If you would like to be a Sidewalk Captain and facilitate your city’s participation, please Contact Your Regional Coordinator.

Before having a presence on sidewalks outside of abortion facilities, we must equip ourselves with the knowledge and information we need in order to confidently and compassionately approach women entering abortion facilities.

Click here to see last year’s Facebook Live with Lauren Muzyka (Sidewalk Advocates for Life).

Make sure to watch Lauren’s sidewalk advocacy training video.  Questions? Please email

Abortion Procedures: Unveiling the Choice

Content is disturbing enough: there are no graphic images used. Just sick, how can this be legal?

In this video, we demonstrate some of the most common abortion procedures being used today. America needs to know what “choice” actually means. If you would not to choose to die by one of these methods, what makes it acceptable for another human being? View Video

Some of the most common abortion procedures being used today.

Some of the most common abortion procedures being used today.

Abortion is easy to call a “choice,” unless it is being chosen for you. Are one of these procedures a way you would like to die? Please share this video. In our experience, learning about the procedures makes the biggest impact in the heart of a person supporting abortion.

I am pro-choice for first trimester abortions.  That being said, ALL PRO CHOICE PEOPLE SHOULD WATCH THIS!  Without understanding what is happening, it’s impossible to have an educated opinion or belief about something, and this is no different.  Ignorance is what leads a lot of women to their opinions on abortion, and I know this because I am a woman.

This is so satanic and to think I almost had a vacuum abortion. I chose life and told Planned Parenthood I would not murder my child! Just because some of us feel it’s not time to have a baby, it’s the best time in your life, becoming a mother. Trust me! Best said by Dr.Suess: “A life is a life, no matter how small.”

This is ridiculously misleading. Late term abortions are completely illegal in most places, unless there is some type of medical complication that is threatening the mother’s life or the baby is already dead. So basically this video is trying to shame women who have miscarried or would face serious medical problems if their baby was born. And they leave out the part where fetuses have no feelings during the first trimester. The brain and other organs are literally just beginning to form. If you’re going to try to make an argument against this, how about state facts instead of making a misleading video to appeal to uneducated people’s knee jerk reactions.

Maafa 21Documentary: Black Genocide in 21st Century America.

Civil Rights matter to everyone not just those who survive the womb. “Maafa” is a Swahili word which means “a terrible tragedy”, and indeed that is what has been imposed upon millions of eugenic victims across the world, to this very day.

maafa-21-6-570xThey were stolen from their homes, locked in chains and taken across an ocean. And for more than 200 years, their blood and sweat would help to build the richest and most powerful nation the world has ever known.

But when slavery ended, their welcome was over. America’s wealthy elite had decided it was time for them to disappear and they were not particular about how it might be done. What you are about to see is that the plan these people set in motion 150 years ago is still being carried out today. So don’t think that this is history. It is not. It is happening right here, and it’s happening right now.

The documentary Maafa 21: Black Genocide in 21st Century America is an explosive exposé of the racist eugenics agenda of the abortion industry in the United States. It makes the case that, though abortionists claim to advocate privacy, women’s rights, and reproductive choice, their true motive is racial genocide and ethnic cleansing.

Even more alarmingly, the film maintains that this agenda began not with the birth of Planned Parenthood in the early 1900s but more than 150 years ago before slavery as an institution in America came to an end. Literature for the documentary reads, “It’s about elitism, secret agendas, treachery and corruption at the highest levels of political and corporate America.”

The first Pro-Life Videos for Television

“Everyone is loving this ad. You have really outdone yourself. I cannot thank you enough for making this come to life.”

He pioneered some of the first Pro-Life Videos for Television via Following 25 years as an award-winning corporate advertising executive, Tom Peterson’s life would radically change forever, after receiving a transforming Spiritual conversion while on a Catholic men’s retreat.  Soon afterward, he founded VirtueMedia (pro-life) and

“Everyone is loving this ad. You have really outdone yourself. I cannot thank you enough for making this come to life.”

I was at a gathering with some pro-choice people the other day, and one of them went to the microphone and said, ‘I’m pro-choice but I saw Alveda’s ad (VirtueMedia™) and now, I’m thinking about it.’

VirtueMedia has partnered with hundreds of Right to Life groups, Catholic Dioceses, Christian churches, Pregnancy Help Clinics and Women’s centers across the world. In addition to our national campaigns, VirtueMedia has aired strategic local and regional campaigns in 40 states and the District of Columbia, as well as in multiple provinces of Canada and select regions of Europe.

“VirtueMedia™ is tapping into the power of the media to promote the Gospel of Life. I have had the opportunity to have VirtueMedia™ give their presentation at two different parishes that I’ve been assigned to as pastor. On both occasions their presentation was very well received, with parishioners offering many positive comments afterwards. VirtueMedia™ presents with compassion and conviction; their presentation touches people’s hearts.”

“At a time when we are hearing about abortion clinic closings and the rising number of pro-life advocates in the news, we need to make an even greater push to continue fighting for life and saving babies during this critical moment in history. Television continues to be an innovative and effective way to reach these vulnerable moms and dads with the message to choose life,” said VirtueMedia President Tom Peterson, who founded the Christian not-for-profit media behind the ads.

He Wrote to his Wife, “Today I lost my Nobel Prize.”

In 1962 he received the Kennedy Award from the hands of President John F Kennedy for his work with handicapped children.

Professor Jerome Lejeune had discovered the genetic cause of Down Syndrome, in 1959 when he saw under his microscope in a Paris laboratory the third little mark on the 21st chromosome. But the drama of his life was that his discovery of trisomy 21 would lead to a medical holocaust, national health systems giving huge funds to track down and eliminate these children before they could be born and losing a Nobel Prize.

p-Jerome-Lejuene1-570xAs he had foreseen, Lejeune was ostracized by the scientific, medical and political elite in France. His research funds were withdrawn. In the 1960s doctors had been proud to belong to the « Lejeune team », but in the 1970s it was social suicide. During the campaign to legalize abortion in France in 1975 slogans were painted on the walls of the Sorbonne : “Death to Lejeune”.  His own children saw these attacks against their father. ‘If I don’t protect them, I am nothing: The man who discovered Down syndrome.

As many countries began to deny the value of life in the womb, Lejeune travelled tirelessly around the world, defending the humanity of the human person from his or her very beginning.  The Eletter from the

You Formed Me in My Mother’s Womb

Lennart Nilsson, captured the first photographs of unborn babies in their mothers womb

This video should be the end of abortion and atheism.

Lennart Nilsson, captured the first photographs of unborn babies in their mothers womb

Lennart Nilsson 1965 book, “A Child is Born,” was one of the most successful photography albums ever, selling in the millions and becoming an iconic work for the anti-abortion movement.

In Psalm 139 verses 13 and 14, David wrote, “You formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”

This passage has been the tagline for many organizations and groups in the pro-life movement, and for good reason. Life comes from life, and all life ultimately comes from the author of life itself.

The video below offers a truly amazing glimpse at what that actually looks like, from fertilization to birth.

You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb.

View the Video