[Women are now being sold the lie that their empowerment comes through the destruction of another.] Although abortion advocates claim they serve the interests of women, Planned Parenthood...
Reversing The Abortion Pill RU-486
What happens if you take the abortion pill (RU-486) and then change your mind? Suddenly you wish you hadn’t done it and no...
Read MoreI was a ‘Disney Princess’ I had an abortion. I’m Pro-Life
Recently, Planned Parenthood tweeted, “We Need a Disney Princess Who Had an Abortion.” I am a former Disney princess who had...
Read MoreHave Another Child. It’s The Best Way to End Abortion.
Have another child to counter the coming global population implosion. Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth. — Genesis 1:28...
Read MoreNational Pro-Life T-Shirt Day
National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day (NPLTD). Express support for the personhood of the child in the womb and the end of abortion by...
Read MoreMr Zip Code Finds March for Life Events Near You!!
You’ve reached the nations largest listing of Pro-Life Events and Activities. With thousands of listings including every...
Read MoreKiller Angel Margaret Sanger!
Sanger established the American Birth Control League, a precursor to today’s Planned Parenthood Federation of America. As ...
Read MoreThis man has Saved over 1,000 babies from Abortion
I will never forget what happened today. I always tell people that Gods timing is not our timing but he showed that in the most...
Read MoreClinton: Religious Beliefs have to be Changed
She means mainstream American voter’s deeply held religious beliefs, not hers. Four issues: Clinton’s belief in expanding taxpayer funding for abortion; her stunning statement...
Joe Bidens Gay Marriage Ceremony Doesn’t fit...
Same-sex relationships cannot be considered ‘in any way similar or even remotely analogous to God’s plan for marriage and family. Just days after United States Vice President Joe...
The LGBT Movement Wants Alot MORE
Defeat “anti-LGBT” bills, change school policies and curriculum, amend the Civil Rights Act, (bring about) lawsuits, and new federal legislation. Big business is helping carry the water...
Libertarian Gary Johnson Won’t Protect Preborn...
He doesn’t particularly seem to care that babies’ liberty has eroded to the point where they can be legally killed for any reason before even leaving the womb. Full article at...
Removing the Fear of Downs Syndrome
The biggest factor that drives prejudice is fear, and fear is driven by not knowing. The great thing about ‘Born This Way‘ is now the world knows seven adults — and soon...
NOM Vowed to End Her Political Career
“Anne Zerr betrayed her constituents and the people of Missouri when she sided with LGBT extremists to defeat SJR 39, which would have given voters the right to protect supporters of...
Oakland & Los Angeles Threaten Pro Life Pregnancy...
Two of the most crime-ridden places in the state of California, threaten legal action against pro-life pregnancy help organizations if they fail to comply with a new state regulation...
Pope Francis To Youth: Don’t Settle for Couch...
“The times we live in do not call for young ‘couch potatoes’ but for young people with shoes, or better, boots laced. It only takes players on the first string, and it has no room for...
The week I left the Democratic Party
We pro-life citizens are an unwelcome group among the Dems. Like many pro-life Democrats, I had been dispirited by the inclusion in the 2016 Democratic Party Platform of the repeal of the...