Tag - Planned Parenthood

How to Get Rid of All that Aborted Human Flesh?

Since abortion mills will not purchase cemetery plots to bury the children that they murder “because then they would have to admit that they are persons” many hire medical waste companies to dispose of the fetal remains.

COLUMBUS, Ohio, August 9, 2017 (LifeSiteNews)  The country’s largest waste hauler confirmed that it has ceased doing business with hundreds of customers, including many Planned Parenthood locations, in the wake of a pro-life groups campaign to stop the disposal of aborted children.

Medical waste firm Stericyle, Inc. ended business agreements with more than 400 customers in recent years, the company said in court papers, because the companies did not certify they would comply with an agreement to not use Stericycle to dispose of aborted babies.

This was affirmed in a June letter from Stericycle CEO Charles Alutto to Ohio-based pro-life group Created Equal.

Created Equal national director Mark Harrington told LifeSiteNews in an exclusive statement that Stericycle had taken a vital first step in the process of ceasing its involvement with the abortion cartel.

Stericycle has been Planned Parenthoods main medical waste service provider in America, according to Created Equal, and the abortion giant cannot do business without the disposing of children aborted at its facilities.

According to the abortion industry’s own experts, the abortion industry’s Achilles heel is the medical waste companies such as Stericycle that incinerate and dispose of the bodies of aborted children whom it kills, argues pro-life group Created Equal. The abortion industry, it says, simply cannot function without partnering with these companies.

How to Reverse the Abortion Pill

This therapy has a 60 to 70 percent success rate in reversing the effects of the abortion pill.

U.S. medication abortions have been on the rise since 2000, when the Food and Drug Administration approved mifepristone under President Bill Clinton.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, medication abortions have increased from 6 percent of all abortions in 2001 to 31 percent in 2014, despite the overall decline in the number of abortions in the U.S. during that same period. Full Article
In addition, medication abortions account for nearly half (45 percent) of all abortions committed prior to nine weeks gestation.
In 2016, the FDA under President Barack Obama expanded the timeframe for the use of mifepristone to 10 weeks gestation. That move put women’s health and safety at further risk, since the abortion pill regimen is less effective the further along the woman is and carries a higher risk of major adverse events.
For more information on the abortion pill reversal, visit www.abortionpillreversal.com or call (877) 558-0333.

Trump Helps Stay at Home Parenting

Donald Trump has unveiled a major policy proposal

It also gives benefits for parents who chose to stay-at-home with their children. Donald Trump has unveiled a major policy proposal that would give a tax break to stay-at-home mothers with young children, a policy sought by some pro-family advocates for decades. Full article at Lifesitenews.com

Clinton offers no incentives for stay-at-home parents, something critics view as an intentional sleight. “The Democrats, under the influence of the feminist bloc, don’t want to give any recognition to stay at home parenting, because they fear – rightly so – that women may like it,” Dr. Allan C. Carlson of the  Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society told LifeSiteNews in 2012.

Mr. Trump’s plan differs significantly from that of Hillary Clinton, who has long said she subscribes to the philosophy that “it takes a village to raise a child.”

Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards blasted Trump’s plan on Twitter, calling it “ridiculous” That inspired a number of outraged reactions. “Why do you care?” asked Jeff Dunetz, who goes by the Twitter handle @yidwithlid. “You want the babies ripped out of their moms so you can sell their parts.”

Buffet, Soros and Wealthy Elite Fund Abortion

George Soros and World Wealthy Elite Fund Abortion

Warren Buffett’s foundation is by far the largest contributor–over $70 million in one year alone! Planned Parenthood’s political action committee, committed to electing pro-abortion candidates, got a cool $7,250,000 from Buffett’s foundation. Full article at nationalrighttolifenews.org

George Soros and his Open Society Institute (OPI) have also been major players. On the Open society Institute’s 2013 Form 990 PF, the most recent available, OPI gave Planned Parenthood PPFA $1,650,000 “to address health disparities in the south and southeast regions of the United States.

The David and Lucille Packard Foundation, gave the Guttmacher Institute, an independent agency $2,820,000 for “Population and Reproductive Health”.

In the early days, the wealthy elite funded Planned Parenthood’s efforts to halt the “breeding” of the lower classes. Tax forms recently made available by foundations of some of the nation’s wealthiest families show that, rather than waning, that interest has grown, now helping to fund not only Planned Parenthood, but also a worldwide abortion empire.

In the end, no amount of noble sounding rhetoric about how money will be used to rid the world of poverty, disease, hunger will be able to mask to whom the money is going and the purposes for which it will be used. The best spin money can buy cannot mask the reality of what abortion is and what it does to not just a mother and her unborn child, but how it destroys an economy and a nation.

In the meantime, the hundreds of millions this enormously wealthy handful of individuals and foundations gives to abortion promoting and performing groups will, for now, keep them operating, help them to get out their messages, and put many of their political candidates in office.


The Abortion Industries War against Women and Motherhood.

[Women are now being sold the lie that their empowerment comes through the destruction of another.]

Although abortion advocates claim they serve the interests of women, Planned Parenthood profits from the manipulation, coercion, and abuse of mothers and young girls, and advocates for the very violence that keeps them powerless.

While women, for decades, have overcome incredible odds, defied challenges, and rose above oppressive societal structures, they are now being sold the lie that their empowerment comes through the destruction of another. Full article at Liveactionnews.org

Instead of empowering women to achieve against all odds — the very heartbeat of feminism — the abortion lobby has made mothers the enemies of their own children.

It is only through upholding the dignity of women and preborn children that the human rights of both can be protected. Societies ought to celebrate and cherish motherhood, and welcome her child with open arms.