Tag - Pro-Life

What Will You Say When Your Grandchildren Ask You What You Did About Abortion?

The Medical Ethics of the Holocaust

I personally can’t imagine what it must have been like for anyone involved in the Holocaust but it certainly makes me think of the times we live in, right now. My mom told me once that she thinks about what her grandchildren and great grandchildren will say, when looking back on our times.

They’ll likely ask what we did about the Abortion and Euthanasia Holocausts we are living through right now. What are we going to say? I went to a couple of Life Chains? I wrote a letter to my politician? In one sense Oskar Groening was just doing what he was told to do! How many doctors, nurses and medical personnel are doing just that – taking the lives of the innocent and vulnerable because it’s been requested by an

The Medical Ethics of the Holocaust

How did Hitler get millions of people to follow along blindly and not fight back? Now our fellow Americans are taking the same path.

individual or mandated by the state? And how many of us just stand by and let it happen? Is it enough for us to be pro-life, pro-family, anti-culture-of-death, but go about our daily business as if nothing is going on? www.serviamministries.com Sarah Gould FULL ARTICLE

I’m not writing this to make you feel guilty, nor to encourage you to run out and do crazy things in the name of the Pro-Life Movement. I am encouraging you to look at your own life and ask yourself how God might be asking you to defend life.

We aren’t all called to do sidewalk counseling (I believe I would be a blubbering mass of tears, begging those women not to enter those clinics) or pro-life activism in the literal sense.

But God calls everyone to support and defend life at one point or another through their own gifts; to write letters to politicians, to financially support those who are fighting for life, to have children, to encourage and support those struggling with their own children or aging parents, to be jailed for the defense of life like Mary Wagner, or even to give their own lives for their children, as St. Gianna Beretta Molla did (her feast day was yesterday). www.bbc.com – SUPPORTING ARTICLE

Merry Christmas from “The Calendar for Life”

Let our Christmas joy be the joy of welcoming every human life! Amen!

Merry Christmas from “The Calendar for Life.”

Let our Christmas joy be the joy of welcoming every human life! Amen!

You, O Lord, made the journey of the unborn child. By being an embryo, a fetus, and a newborn, you joined all unborn and newborn children to you!

May Pro-Life values reach all people of good will this Christmas season. May these Pro-Life values effect for betterment to improve the health of every man, woman and child in this great nation !

May Pro-Life values reach all people of good will this Christmas season. Because our culture can not turn away from the faces of innocent unborn children, who cry out for help, who are without guilt, who have no voice, as their lives are sacrificed.

“The Calendar for Life” is solely focused on helping build a better more humane society. It does this by gathering, preparing and distributing Pro-Life events and activities from individuals, and organizations. “The Calendar for Life” highlights websites, social media sites, and your Pro-Life work, using the power of the Internet as a vehicle to presents this to many thousands.

Meet the “The Calendar for Life” at the calendarforlife.org @ the prolifeeventsfinder.com @ the forLifecalifornians.org @ the marchforlifeeventsfinder.com @ the prolifeeventsfinder.blogspot.com @ the calendarforlife.org/blog @ the Facebook/calendarforlife

What Actually Happens During an Abortion?

The baby is rapidly torn apart by the suction.

Planned Parenthood’s depictions of abortion are far from reality.

What actually happens during an Abortion

What actually happens during an Abortion

Planned Parenthood would like for you to think an abortion is a routine medical operation. These aren’t efforts in accordance with a desire to be medically accurate. Full Article

Abortions are gruesome procedures. In a Live Action video that points out the Planned Parenthood video’s inaccuracies, former abortionist Dr. Anthony Levatino who himself committed over 1,200 abortions details what actually happens during an abortion. Watch the Video

The baby has a heartbeat, fingers, toes, arms, and legs, but its bones are still weak and fragile. The suction is then turned on, with a force ten to twenty times more powerful than your household vacuum cleaner. The baby is rapidly torn apart by the suction, and squeezed through this tubing down into the suction machine, followed by the placenta. The abortionist uses a curette to scrape the lining of the uterus. A curette is basically a long-handled, curved blade. Once the uterus is empty, the speculum is removed and the abortion is complete.

Remember Your Mother for Mothers Day. She Gave You Life!

Remember Your Mother for Mothers Day. She Gave You Life

Say thanks to the woman who’s had your back since day one.

Mother’s Day is always celebrated on the second Sunday in May. It’s not a federal holiday, however it’s widely celebrated as a special day to honor all mothers and motherhood. Together, let’s honor the women who raised us—and all the mothers who sacrificed for their children.

Remember Your Mother for Mothers Day. She Gave You Life

Every year, we thank our mothers on Mother’s Day for choosing to give us life.

The American incarnation of Mother’s Day was created by Anna Jarvis in 1908 and became an official U.S. holiday in 1914.

When you are a mother, you are never really alone in your thoughts. A mother always has to think twice, once for herself and once for her child.” —Sophia Loren

John 16:21: “Whenever a woman is in labor she has pain, because her hour has come; but when she gives birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish because of the joy that a child has been born into the world.”

Children are not a commodity that we produce on a whim. Each child who comes into the world is a person who will never be repeated. Just as we need to revere the life of every child, so should we also honor all mothers who give themselves selflessly in the vocation of motherhood.

Our society tells women that they can turn their fertility on and off like a light switch. How sad that we value women only as long as their natural life-giving ability doesn’t get in their way. God created women to give themselves completely to their husband and children. Love is about selflessness, not about control.

A Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion Nationwide

Pro-Life Way of the Cross

The Pro Life Action League says Make Good Friday March 30, a Pro-Life Way of the Cross, with a gathering at your local abortion facility. Nationwide in communities across America we’ve found this activity to be such a blessing, one of our favorite pro-life activities of the year, and last year, the event went nationwide with services taking place in 29 cities across the country.

Pro-Life Way of the Cross

Though innocent, Jesus is condemned by the power of the State. In like manner, our innocent brothers and sisters in the womb have been condemned. Their rights and dignity are not recognized.

On Good Friday, March 30, the Pro-Life Action League is holding “A Way of the Cross for Victims of Abortion” at abortion facilities nationwide. At this moving event, we contemplate the suffering of Christ at our own modern day Golgotha, the abortion clinic.

Join in one of the services listed below, or, if there’s no service in your area, follow our detailed guide on how to host a Way of the Cross and hold a service in your own community.

As we head into Palm Sunday and Holy Week, I wanted to remind you about theWay of the Cross for Victims of Abortion” taking place on Good Friday, March 30. It’s very fitting for us to solemnize in this way Jesus’s suffering and death in connection with the pro-life ministry He has entrusted to us.  I’ll be at the service at Planned Parenthood in Aurora, Illinois, but there are services taking place all across the country! View the Event FlyerContact: Eric Phone: 773-777-2900 Email: ejs@prolifeaction.org

I want to emphasize that this is an ecumenical prayer vigil, and I look forward to praying for an end to abortion with all my Christian brothers and sisters next Friday. What’s more, pro-lifers in nearly 100 cities across the country are taking part in their own “Way of the Cross” vigils, so you’ll be part ofnationwide pro-life prayer campaign!

Bishop-Sen. Durbin Has Failed To Protect the Defenseless.

Bishop Bars Catholic Senator from Communion.

Senator Durbin has long been running afoul of Church teaching. “Failing to protect the lives of innocent and defenseless members of the human race is to sin against justice. Those who formulate law therefore have an obligation in conscience to work toward correcting morally defective laws, lest they be guilty of cooperating in evil and in sinning against the common good.” Full Article

Bishop Bars Catholic Senator from Communion.

Change your heart, change your abortion votes, Bishop Paprocki tells Sen. Durbin

His failure to fulfill his duty as a Catholic politician has resulted in him being barred from receiving Communion in the diocese.

Bishop Thomas Paprocki of the Diocese of Springfield has barred Senator Richard Durbin from receiving Communion in his diocese. “This provision is intended not to punish, but to bring about a change of heart,” said Paprocki. “Sen. Durbin was once pro-life. I sincerely pray that he will repent and return to being pro-life.” Full Article

“Sen. Durbin was once pro-life. I sincerely pray that he will repent and return to being pro-life,” Bishop Paprocki said. Full Article

I’m Thankful for the Gift of my Life

While it may not seem immediately evident, Thanksgiving is a profoundly pro-life holiday.

We focus on the tragedy of abortion, the loss of life and the suffering of the unborn and their mothers. Working to end abortion and to restore hope to a culture which wants to dispose of its most vulnerable members can be a daunting challenge. But the foundation for why we do what we do explains why we are continually “of good cheer.” Full Article

So it is entirely appropriate to celebrate and give thanks for life this Thanksgiving. For our own life, for our family and friends, and for all the mothers who did not choose abortion. We offer thanks for the knowledge that more than at any point in the last twenty years, more unborn children will have the opportunity to celebrate their own Thanksgiving.

So take a moment to give thanks for life this Thanksgiving, focus on the good. Therein rests our hope for the future.

Prayers for Charlie Gard a 10-month old and his parents.

Charlie Gard — a 10-month old boy in England who is seriously ill with a rare disease … a poor prognosis … and a bureaucracy that is turning a deaf ear to his plight.

Charlie’s case has generated an outpouring of support from pro-life leaders — and many people of good will from around the world.

This is quite simply an assault on human dignity, with one group of people telling another person that he does not have a right to live. Full Article

There have even been some decision-makers who’ve said it’s “in Charlie’s best interests” that he be taken off life support … which will lead to his death

Charlie’s parents want life for their son despite the desperate circumstances, but doctors, hospitals and even the government are placing barriers in their path at every step.

Buffet, Soros and Wealthy Elite Fund Abortion

George Soros and World Wealthy Elite Fund Abortion

Warren Buffett’s foundation is by far the largest contributor–over $70 million in one year alone! Planned Parenthood’s political action committee, committed to electing pro-abortion candidates, got a cool $7,250,000 from Buffett’s foundation. Full article at nationalrighttolifenews.org

George Soros and his Open Society Institute (OPI) have also been major players. On the Open society Institute’s 2013 Form 990 PF, the most recent available, OPI gave Planned Parenthood PPFA $1,650,000 “to address health disparities in the south and southeast regions of the United States.

The David and Lucille Packard Foundation, gave the Guttmacher Institute, an independent agency $2,820,000 for “Population and Reproductive Health”.

In the early days, the wealthy elite funded Planned Parenthood’s efforts to halt the “breeding” of the lower classes. Tax forms recently made available by foundations of some of the nation’s wealthiest families show that, rather than waning, that interest has grown, now helping to fund not only Planned Parenthood, but also a worldwide abortion empire.

In the end, no amount of noble sounding rhetoric about how money will be used to rid the world of poverty, disease, hunger will be able to mask to whom the money is going and the purposes for which it will be used. The best spin money can buy cannot mask the reality of what abortion is and what it does to not just a mother and her unborn child, but how it destroys an economy and a nation.

In the meantime, the hundreds of millions this enormously wealthy handful of individuals and foundations gives to abortion promoting and performing groups will, for now, keep them operating, help them to get out their messages, and put many of their political candidates in office.


Is VP Pick, Tim Kaine, REALLY a Catholic?

Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, Catholic Diocese of Providence, R.I.

Apparently, and unfortunately, his (Catholic) faith isn’t central to his public, political life.

Democratic VP choice, Tim Kaine, has been widely identified as a Roman Catholic. It is also reported that he publicly supports ‘freedom of choice’ for abortion, same-sex marriage, gay adoptions, and the ordination of women as priests. “All of these positions are clearly contrary to well-established Catholic teachings; all of them have been opposed by Pope Francis as well” according to Bishop Thomas J. Tobin, Catholic Diocese of Providence, R.I. www.cnsnews.com/blog

Kaine has emphasized his support for Roe v. Wade and is a co-sponsor of a bill that would dismantle pro-life laws across the country.  He has a perfect pro-abortion voting record in the Senate. www.lifesitenews.com

A Dominican priest is taking on presumptive Democrat vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine and his claims of being a faithful Catholic. In a tweet addressed to Sen. Kaine of Virginia published Sunday, Fr. Thomas Petri, OP, wrote: “Do us both a favor. Don’t show up in my communion line. I take Canon 915 seriously. It’d be embarrassing for you & for me.”  www.churchmilitant.com