Tag - Video

Organ Harvesting the Unborn

The latest video from the Center for Medical Progress once again lays bare the inhumanity of abortion and Planned Parenthood’s disregard for the law

The latest video from the Center for Medical Progress once again lays bare the inhumanity of abortion and Planned Parenthood’s disregard for the law.

Thank you so much for speaking for the voiceless! Planned Parenthood will be defunded…. It’s just a matter of time! Cate Dyer is an evil, disgusting excuse for a woman and seeing only women in these videos makes my blood boil! We are supposed to be the mothers & the compassionate ones!  …… MORE

Watch the summary videos of specific undercover meetings from CMP’s Human Capital project documenting Planned Parenthood’s sale of baby body parts. Full footage for each encounter is also available.

The 40 Film: Compelling Documentary 40 years since Roe v. Wade.

The film showcases interviews with dozens of pro-life leaders and presents abortion as the most important human rights issue of our time.

40 is a compelling new documentary that examines the effects of abortion on our nation over the last 40 years since Roe v. Wade. The film showcases interviews with dozens of pro-life leaders and presents abortion as the most important human rights issue of our time. 40 looks at both sides of this heated issue and addresses some of the strongest arguments for the pro-choice position. 40 also provides heartfelt testimonies from post abortive women and reports on the youth as the generation that will end abortion.

John Morales welcomed a sold-out crowd at the Maple Theater

John Morales welcomed a sold-out crowd at the Maple Theater

This film addresses some of the strongest arguments for the pro-choice position such as when life begins and “it’s my body, my choice” countered by pro-life answers from a wide array of pro-life activists, leaders and youth. Twenty- eight year-old actress Jennifer Cadena, who stared in The Roommate, Crescendo, and the upcoming film, Little Boy, narrates the 40 film.

40 features over 40 of the biggest names in the pro-life movement such as Joe Scheidler, founder of the Pro-Life Action League, Investigative journalist Lila Rose, the President of Live Action, Star Parker, Founder and President of CURE, Rebecca Kiessling, Pro-life Speaker and Conceived in rape, Serrin Foster, President of Feminists for Life, Ryan Bomberger, Founder of Radiance Foundation, Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood abortion clinic director and founder of And Then There Were None, Life, Keith Mason, Co-founder of Personhood USA, Dr. Monica Miller, Director of Citizen for a Pro-Life Society, David Bereit, National Director of 40 Days for Life, Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, Dr. Alveda King, Director of African-American Outreach-Priests for Life, Jeanne Monahan, President of March for Life Education and Defense Fund, Dr. Day Gardner, President of the National Black Pro-Life Union, Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue, Kelsey Hazzard, President of Secular Pro-Life, and many more!


A Spirit Juice Studios Production.

“Hush” Tells the Truth How Abortion Hurts Women

HUSH is a documentary film that uncovers an array of important women’s health information that has been either hidden by fears of political correctness, or completely covered up by political agenda.

video-hush4Did you know that having a child, and especially having a child under 20 years old is significantly more protective against breast cancer for women compared to having a child over 30, or not having a child at all? No doctor or scientist anywhere will argue this with you. It’s true, it’s established. But most of them won’t communicate this information with you. Why? Because they don’t want to ‘tell women what to do’. They’re scared of stepping on the toes of feminist progress. Makes sense. But shouldn’t women at least know this information so they can make informed choices for their life? Shouldn’t we all know this? View the Hush Trailer

Hush, which seems to me an objective overview of the situation, should be seen by pro-choice women, pro-life women and women who are simply concerned about themselves or their daughters achieving their reproductive goals with optimal chances for long-term health. That is to say, by pretty well all women.

Canadian filmmaker Punam Kumar Gill, who identifies as pro-choice, said she wanted to find out the truth about abortion risks and whether they are real, as pro-lifers say, or overblown, as abortion activists claim. LifeNews.com